Wednesday, January 11, 2012

OM.2011.166 - Ken Stalebread Coleman - France - Collage Centennial

OM.2011.166 - Ken Stalebread Coleman - France

Untitled work #97 
Actual size = 8 X 6.25 inches 
Dated Dec. 2011 
Various papers with watercolor, ink and colored pencil on Bristol board 
Initials KMC in circle on back

I don’t have  much of an artist’s statement. Mostly I construct, or try to construct pictures. I react to, and interact with, various materials, colors, images, textures, marks. Everything I see, smell, taste and touch informs everything that comes after. Inspiration is trumped by work over time and lots of trial-and-error. I try to make the pictures interesting or entertaining (“entertaining” is that artistic blasphemy?) for myself and maybe for a few others.  Occasionally I succeed, often I fail. I keep at it.

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